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A renovated, isolated, two-floor vacation home is available to rent in Balatonmáriafürdö for up to 5 people. The house is less than 100 meters away from the shore of lake Balaton.
The house is situated in a quiet area with many nearby services. The house includes a large garden, perfect for outdoor family activities, such as outdoor cooking, BBQ, etc.
The bathroom (with a shower and a toilet), living room and kitchen are found on the ground floor along with another smaller, separate room for either storage or sleeping.
The first floor is open-plan with 3 double-beds.
Both floors include a separate TV with T-Home SAT subscriptions.
The vacation home is available to rent for a minimum of 4 nights. The price is 80€ a night (+ visitor’s tax).

  • Nearby Services and Programs:
  • Train station, restaurant, pizza parlor
  • Grocery store (30 m)
  • Lakeshore with free entry (100 m)
  • Airport (20 km)
  • Keszthely - Festetics Palace / Helikon Palace Museum (21 km)
  • Hévíz - Spa (30 km),

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